We participated in the Christmas Bird Count for the Chiricahuas on Dec. 27th and in the 1/4 -1/2 mile from the Portal Store to our neighbors yard at the end of Rock House Road, we counted 44 different bird species. Among those were a Hammond's Flycatcher, the White Throated Sparrow, a Steller's Jay, a flock of Eastern Blue Birds, a flock of Cedar Waxwings, a flock of Robins and an Evening Grosbeak! Our neighborhood Great Horned Owls have been dueting late at night & early in the mornings, but we haven't seen them at the nest site yet and we couldn't find them the day of the bird count.
We go to the San Simon Cienega pond at least once a week and there are still 10 Snow Geese and about 200 Sandhill Cranes hanging out there. A couple dozen Mallards, but we haven't seen a Mexican Duck there.